We are designed by God for the prophetic and to hear God’s voice. As a church body, our desire is to be equipped in all the gifts of the Spirit. We are hosting the Prophetic School, similar to our heart behind Healing School, to be trained in the prophetic. This kick-off session will be the first of 4 afternoons with Ruth Mangiacapre. The Prophetic School will function as a classroom environment for instruction, encounter, and collaborative learning. We encourage you to make every effort to join us for each session.
The cost of the school is $10/person to cover the cost of the provided lunch — sub sandwich, chips, cookie & a drink.
About our speaker
Found Impact Ministry of the Triad in 2007 after co-pastoring in North Carolina.
Ruth is an author, ordained prophet, and has traveled extensively throughout the U.S. and
abroad teaching, preaching and equipping the Body of Christ. She is ordained under Bishop Bill
Hamon (Christian International) and New Day the Church at High Point in Colfax, NC. She is a
part of the pastoral leadership team at New Day Church and she leads the Southeast Prophetic
Prayer and intercession are core values for Ruth’s life and ministry. She has led intercessory teams to several states and has a passion for nations, having traveled to Europe, Eastern Europe, Central and South America, believing God for reformation and revival.
She serves on the Women on the Frontlines Leadership Team with Wendy Peters; formerly led by James Goll and Patricia King. She is a member of Women in Ministry Network and serves on Stacey Campbell’s Shiloh Company Leadership Team overseeing prophetic intercession.
Her first book, “Prophetic Journey,” was released in 2017 and currently she is working on her second book. She has been published on The Elijah List, Spirit Fuel, and Lance Wallnau’s 7m Underground. She was married to her wonderful husband Andy for 42 years and is a proud mother and grandmother.
Future sessions
January 27
February 24
March TBD