children’s programs

kingdom kidz 0-11  
REFUGE 12-18

For information on Kingdom Kidz: Contact Savannah Morgan
For information on Preschool & Nursery: Contact Aretha McCormick
For information on Refuge:  Contact Frank & Belinda Arce


Join a Cornerstone cGroup to connect, learn, and grow! cGroups are designed to build community within our local body and be a launching pad to reach our community. 

Get Connected. Fill out a connection card at the red tables in the foyer -OR- contact Pastor Denise Patterson.

international ministries

  • Frontline World Missions | As a church body we tithe 10% of every offering to world missions. Our mission work includes church planting, discipleship, crusades, and preaching the gospel to the nations. We currently partner with churches, pastors, and evangelists worldwide.

  • We ask for the nations! | We are serious about worldwide missions at Cornerstone Church. In addition to the 10% tithed to worldwide missions from every offering, we an additional 10-20% of our church budget is allocated to supporting missions and worldwide humanitarian aid. In 2024, we were thrilled to have Cornerstone Church represented on the mission field every month in 12 nations.

Men’s Ministry

  • Men’s Bible Study | Meets at iHop in Holly Springs on Mondays at 7am, contact Chris Culp for details.

  • Men’s Fellowship | Meets monthly for various activities, stay informed in email and weekly announcements

outreach ministries

  • Lifeline | Led by Janett Chauncey, Lifeline is a ministry focused on personal evangelism to win North Carolina to Jesus! Contact Janett for more information to get involved.

  • Street Reach | Street Reach goes into local communities ministering through games, music, fun, and the gospel to bring kids and their families into the Kingdom!! Contact Rob Palmieri for more information to get involved.

Prayer Ministry

We are called to be a house of prayer. For more details on how to connect in prayer at Cornerstone, contact Pastor Leonor Powell.

  • Tuesday in the Learning Center | 7-8 PM

  • Wednesday - Friday Mornings in the Sanctuary | 7-9 AM

  • Last Saturday of the Month in the Sanctuary | 7pm

  • Healing School - 2nd Saturday of the month | 10am in the Learning Center

Women’s ministry

  • Cornerstone Women | Meets monthly for various activities, stay informed in email and weekly announcements

  • Women’s Spirit-led Book Study | Led by Rose McCormick | Meets Wednesdays at 9:30 | Studying “The Power of Imagination” by Andrew Womack | September - April

Worship team

Praise & worship are a priority in our Sunday services — we view corporate worship as a key element in our church body’s DNA. For more details on how to join the Worship team, contact our Music Director, Isaac Morgan.

Young adults’ Ministry

Young Adults meet for dinner, fellowship, and Biblical discussion bi-weekly. The young adults ministry is targeted for 18-30 year olds. Young Adults meet 1st and 3rd Tuesdays monthly. Contact Bethany Morgan for more details.